Next Meeting:

Wednesday, There will not be a regular meeting on Wed. September 2nd. Next meeting TBA.

Susie has been conducting Sew Days on every Wednesday - except for the 2nd and 9th of September.

Susie is cleaning and attendees are keeping a social distance and wearing masks when this is not possible.

Please bring your lunch and drinks and thank you for not attending when you are not feeling fit and fiddle.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Well the weather outside was frightful, but by the fire with friends was Delightful!

Some of the ladies may have been singing "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" as they arrived;
however, they had quilting to do!  So some of them braved the cold and came out to get it done. 
Our prayers go out to friends who have experienced deaths in the family, health emergencies, etc, etc. etc.  Be remembering everyone in prayer at this time of the year, for happiness and health.

Clay Center Piotique Quilters Guild needed a quilt for a family that had a fire and lost everything.  Carol had been donated a top, Susie quilted it, Carol got the binding ready and our ladies spent the morning sewing it down.  Great time to be with friends, doing something we like and for a very good cause.

Vevia had gone to the craft show at Wakefield museum last Saturday and picked up a new hot pad to share with Donnis.  This one is done in a hexie shape with 8 layers of cloth, plus the batting.  No binding, layer, sew, turn right side out.  Looking forward to seeing the combinations of fabrics that our ladies come up with.

Great time to talk and work by all.

Machelle showed some of her mother's Grandmother Flower Garden blocks and the ladies discussed how and where they could be used.

Lots of hands finish a project up real quick.  Beautiful quilt to brighten up that family's day.
Thank you ladies.

Didn't get what made Leila and Lorraine laugh so hard, but that was the day.  You know how the giggles get going and who knows why.

Susie had brought in her light box so that Machelle could trace off an embroidery pattern.
Transfer tools - wow is that a discussion all of it's own.

Carol was catching up on finishing some hot pads, which we can not show till AFTER Christmas. Leila was checking out the "Mary Jane" magazines

Machelle finally decided on the pencil to use and away she went.

We decided to have Show 'n Tell before lunch.  This is the top that we have seen Machelle working on.  A stack and whack and move some to the bottom and then sew together and then stack and then whack and then move some to the bottom and then sew...........................Think you got the idea.  Crazy technique that turns out a lovely block.

Carol has been creating away and made something for Vevia for Christmas.  Here she is putting on the finishing touches.

Isn't this the cutest Christmas Tree you ever saw.
(remember, click on the picture to have it enlarged for better viewing)
Carol, you are so clever and talented.  This is a wonderful gift - THANK YOU!!!

What a great time of year to receive gifts.  This crocheted mat was a gift to Vevia from her baby sister for "MOTHER'S DAY".  Okay, so Luella was a bit off on the delivery.  But it is gorgeous and in the right colors.
Vevia and her three sisters honor their mother every Mother's Day' by rotating who's turn it is to send a hand made gift to all the other girls.  They have been doing it since 1984.  Great way to remember Mom and each other.

Vevia is going to be a Great Aunt again in February - this is for the little boy that is coming into the family.  The quilt was done in strips, quilted, and then the strips are sewn together in the rag style.

She is also going to be a Great-Great Aunt in February - this is for the little girl that is due.
Both quilts have flannel fronts and fleece backs.  This one was done in the quilt as you go style.  Start in the middle and quilt the middle strip down, then add strips to the top and to the bottom one at a time and quilt.  Works up easier, less stress to the shoulders than quilting it all as one whole.

Labels on the back, each have an embroidered boy or girl and the info.

Lunch - so good!  Sorry I did not get a picture after Carol brought her 3 pasta casserole out of the oven and set it down bubbling hot.  Oooooohhhhhh was that good.  And Machelle's beer bread didn't get into the picture either.  She warmed it up and the butter melted into heaven.

Everything was grrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaatttt!!!!!!! Borrowing Tony the Tiger's famous yell.  Look at all these desserts.  Yeah!!!!!!!!!  Don't you just love the holidays?
We were smart though, we only took a small serving of everything, or almost everything.  hahaha

After lunch, Susie laid out her twilling BOM blocks that she is doing at the Piotique Quilters Guild.  They are so lovely. (hard to get a good picture of though)

It may have been snowing as we pulled in, but by the time we left - Machelle had swept the sidewalk clean and the roads were almost bare.  It was great to see Esther drop by before we all left also.
Thank you ladies for a great day.
Merry Christmas!
See you in the new year.